Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Phases of life after college

Phase 1: "Heaven"

After completing my final semester examinations, I was on a 12-hour-sleep routine. Everyday, I got up by 1 or 2 in the afternoon, brushed my teeth and then hanged-out at some coffee shop. Side-by-side, was attending my music classes. One must be blessed to have a lifestyle like that. Oh well, those were the days.

Phase 2: "Waiting for the call"

This is the phase that every person, who got recruited through campus placement, goes through. As usual, I was of no exception. When the first batch was called from my college, I was eagerly awaiting my call. Then, when I was finally called, I was like, "Oh goodness, just 15 more days to enjoy my life".  Didn't do anything great during those 15 days. Just the same old routine which I was following for 4 months!  

Phase 3: "Into the Corporate world"

As it is the case with any IT professional aspirant, it was the same case with me as well. Full of hopes, anticipation etc. The induction program was great. First day, I stepped into my office, I was dumb-found. What an amazing environment to work in! The cafeteria was the climax. Amazingly set up. The traveling part took a toll on my energy-levels. Minus that,  everything was just fabulous.

On a role: Ask any IT professional, "How is work?" and expect an answer nothing short of "frustrating." Thought I should do something better to change the way IT works. "How?" answer is pretty simple: Enjoy what you do and become the best at what you do! Our class has spread waves among other associates in our organization. People from different backgrounds, sharing different views came together. It's never easy integrating them. But, now we are just one strong contingent. Wherever we go, our unity speaks for ourselves. Many at times, people envied us. The way we looked at IT industry changed. 

We are just trainees now, but we are sure to carry over few good things which we learnt during our training period, with the order of the day, being, "Unity".

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